online | envelope | estate
online | envelope | estate
To donate, click on the buttons above and you will be taken to the Vanco Services secure site to enter your account information and set-up your donation (one time or regular recurring donations). In addition, the parish will get a notice of the donation and will continue to post your donations to your record for the year-end tax letter. This option will insure that your financial information is not seen or known by anyone not authorized to have the information.
For those that currently receive envelopes in the mail and want to switch to online giving, you may cancel your envelopes by submitting the form below. Click on “Electronic Giving Offertory Slip” above for a slip to print at home for the offertory during Mass.
As always, thank you for your generous sharing of “treasure” in the spirit and practice of stewardship.
Offertory envelopes are still available. Use the form above if you are receiving them now, but some information on them is incorrect.
To start receiving envelopes, then complete the form above. It may take a month to receive your first batch, then they are mailed bi-monthly.
Pay It Forward…How Your Gifts Can Keep on Giving
Imagine a gift that gives forever. Your donations of cash, stock, real estate and life insurance entrusted to Spirit of Christ Catholic Community Fund through The Catholic Foundation can do that. Thank you for your generous support of our parish through your thoughtful gifts to The Catholic Foundation. Each IRA owner over age 70½ may make a transfer of up to $100,000 per year to a qualified charity. IRA charitable rollovers are tax-free and not included in adjusted gross income. An IRA charitable rollover may fulfill part or all of your required minimum distribution (RMD). Contact The Catholic Foundation to learn how your gift can leave a lasting legacy of faith.
Established in 1998, The Catholic Foundation of Northern Colorado is a 501(c)(3) public charity, a public juridic person of the Catholic Church and a separate legal entity from the Archdiocese of Denver. This legal status enables the Foundation to safeguard donors’ gifts for the charitable purpose they specify.
303.468.9885 | 3801 E. Florida Avenue, Suite 909
Denver, CO | 80210 US
© 2025 Spirit of Christ Catholic Community.