The Anchor

Religious Ed | Sacramental Prep | Parent Catechesis

Welcome to The Anchor

The Anchor Program is religious education and sacramental prep for children pre-K through 5th grade and catechesis for parents.
The Anchor program at Spirit of Christ is a family based program to inspire lifelong faithfulness by anchoring families in Christ’s love and the Church. 

The Anchor

The Anchor is the primary religious education program at Spirit of Christ for children pre-K through 5th grade. It is also Spirit of Christ’s preparatory program for First Reconciliation, Confirmation, and the Eucharist under the Restored Order of the Sacraments of Initiation.

Meets from 5:50 – 7:15 PM on Wednesday evenings from September through May.

Family Commitment and Calendar>>

Sacramental Preparation

 Sacramental Preparation is comprised of two years of catechism for children receiving
First Reconciliation, Confirmation, and First Communion.

Reconciliation: 2nd – 5th Grade
Confirmation and First Eucharist: 3rd- 5th Grade

In addition to regular Anchor classes, sacramental preparation includes 3 meetings and a retreat.

Learn More>>

Parent Catechesis

The Anchor Program is a Family Faith Formation program and includes catechism for parents and guardians who bring their children for classes.  Parent sessions include a variety of topics and speakers to engage parents in their faith as they walk along side and lead their children in deepening their love of Christ and His church.

Parent Resources>>

Registration takes place in July & August for the upcoming year.
For more information, please contact Jolene Stolz at

Sacramental Prep: 2nd-5th Grades

Sacramental Prep Explained - PDF

Sacramental Preparation for the Archdiocese of Denver follows the “Restored Order”. This Sacramental order allows children access to the beautiful graces of all of the Sacraments of Initiation at a young age when they are docile and ready to receive the grace. It also requires more parental participation and follow up to ensure that children stay grounded in the faith and formed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because the faith draws upon the greater community, the Church, Spirit of Christ does not offer an independant or online Sacramental Preparation Class.  Please plan accordingly for your child to receive these Sacraments. 

SPY1 (Sacramental Prep. Year 1) – Preparation for 1st Reconciliation~2nd grade (through 5th grade)
SPY2 (Sacramental Prep. Year 2) – Preparation for Confirmation & First Eucharist~3rd-5th grade
**Please note that a child must complete Sacramental Preparation Year 1 to move into Sacramental Preparation Year 2.**


For each year of the 2 year process

  • Anchor Attendance: 80% or better in-class attendance.

  • Regular Sunday Mass Attendance.

  • 3 In-person Meetings: Sacramental Preparation meetings with Adult and Child. 1.5 hr. Meeting held on a Sunday in September, January, & April or May.

  • “Charting your Course” A Pastoral meeting for the parent/guardian and child to meet personally with a staff or clergy member.

  • Retreat Day. 8:45 AM – 2:00 PM. A fun day for the child to prepare for the Sacraments through different stations and experiences.

2024-25 Sacramental Prep Info and Dates

SPY 1 includes Reconciliation

Documents needed at registration

  1. Baptism information and certificate if not baptized at Spirit of Christ.
  2. Birth Certificate

2024-2025 Important Mandatory Dates

  1. SPY1 Meeting: Sunday, September 15, 2024 , 12:30-2:00pm

  2. SPY1 Meeting: Sunday, January 12, 2025, 12:30-2:00pm

  3. SPY1 Retreat: Saturday, February 8, 2025, 8:45am – 2:00pm

  4. Sacrament of 1st Reconciliation Service, Saturday, February 22, 2025, 9:00-11:00AM

  5. SPY1 Meeting: Sunday, April 27, 2025, 12:30-2:00pm

SPY 1 Documents

SPY 1 Requirements Document 
SPY 1 Readiness Study Sheet
Examination of Conscience
Steps for Going to Reconciliation

SPY 2 includes Confirmation and Eucharist

Documents needed at registration
(If reconciliation prep was not completed at Spirit of Christ)

  1. Baptism information and certificate if not baptized at Spirit of Christ.
  2. Birth Certificate

2024-2025 Important Mandatory Dates

    1. SPY2 Meeting: Sunday, September 15, 2024, 2:30-4:00pm

    2. SPY2 Meeting: Sunday, January 12, 2025, 2:30-4:00pm

    3. SPY2 Retreat: Saturday, April 5, 2025, 8:45am – 2:00pm

    4. SPY2 Meeting: Sunday, April 27, 2025, 2:30-4:00pm

    5. Rehearsal: Friday, May 2, 2025, 5:45-7:00 PM for Sacrament Mass

    6. Sacrament Mass: Sunday, May 4, 2025, 1:30 PM (arrive by 12:30 PM)

SPY 2 Documents

SPY 2 Requirements Document
Choosing your Saint and Sponsor
Sponsor Form
Saint Name Declaration
Family Service Project

OCIC: Order of Christian Initiation for Children

For children that have not yet been baptized, but are over the age of 7, they will enter into a two-year process called OCIC (Order of Christian Initiation for Children).  They will then enter into the Catholic Church and will receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil Mass.  It is a two-year program in which your child and your family is prepared to receive these graces bestowed through these sacraments.

Year 1: SPY 1 Your child will learn about the sacrament of reconciliation, but will not receive this sacrament until after they have been baptized at the end of the second year of preparation.  The sacrament on baptism is similar to the sacrament of reconciliation in many ways and they will learn about the graces of baptism and reconciliation through the SPY1 of Sacramental Preparation.
OCIC Year 1 Requirements

Year 2: SPY 2 Your child will learn about the sacraments of confirmation and eucharist.  At the end of this year, they will fully enter into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil mass and receive all three sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.
OCIC Year 2 requirements

The Anchor: Calendar and Events

<   Becoming Catholic | OCIA

Adult Faith Formation   >